Thoughts and Reflections on Harry Fisher                     

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This Website - October 20, 2002

From: Tibby
Date: 20 Oct 2002


T1: Tibby T2: B1: Submit Date: Sunday October 20, 2002 Time: 08:49:31 PM S1: Guten Tag, Ulli & all the other Genossen! This is Tibby, Sam Walters's widow. Harry just told me about the wonderful site you're constructing for him so I rushed into it. Viele Grosse danke. I appreciate that it's "Under Construction," as is life (& history). BUT--we must make it accessible: I tried searching for it through "Google" search engine & nothing came up. If you need help in getting it onto Google, I can find out for you. Please just let me know. Also, I'm immediately posting its availability to the ALBA listserve, adding that I hope it will very soon be added to the VALB Website as a Link. I know you're still working out the bugs, the the ND link comes up blank; the terz link comes up as Bad Address, & the Friedensblatter link comes up Nicht Gefunden. With hopes that you will soon be able to add Harry's Japanese book-signing to the site, & my very warmest fraternal greetings to this historic endeavor,

Last changed: 05/01/03