Thoughts and Reflections on Harry Fisher                     

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Poem in honour of Harry

From: Rajel Sperber (Israel)
Date: 30 Mar 2003


Estimados amigos: English follows

Os envio un poema escrito por el companero de lucha en Espana de Harry Fisher, Juan Miguel De Mora. (los 660.000 honores son una alusion a la cota 666 donde ambos lucharon aunque no al mismo tiempo):
Harry Fisher, hermano, pequeño de estatura siempre fuiste un gran hombre, de los que sueñan sueños para ayudar a otros y combaten y mueren por defender sus sueños. Brigadista en España, soldado en tu patria, luchador incansable por la paz con justicia. Tu que fuiste guerrero moriste por la paz, y por la libertad de tu tierra ofendid por turbios negociantes del petróleo y la muerte. Descansa en paz, hermano. No hay hoy en la Tierra suficientes héroes para inclinar banderas al paso de tu vida, allá donde no hay muerte, sino recuerdo vivo. Descansa en paz, hermano, que habrá un día en que los hombres de entonces sean dignos de los héroes como tu. Seiscientos sesenta y seis mil honores son menos de los que mereces. Descansa en paz, hermano, que ya viene el silencio.
Juan Miguel de Mora Ajusco, Mexico, 24th March, 2003

Here is the translation into English of the poem in honour of Harry Fisher (translated by Prof. Ludwika Jarocka, the wife of the author, Mexican vet Prof. Juan Miguel de Mora):
TO THE DEATH OF A HERO Harry Fisher, my brother, small in height, you were always a great man, one of those who dream dreams to help others, and strive and die defending their dreams. Brigadista in Spain, a soldier at home, untiring fighter for peace with justice. You were a warrior; you died for peace, and for the liberty of your homeland offended by shady dealers in oil and death. Rest in peace, my brother. There are not enough heroes today on Earth to tilt their flags as your life goes by, there where there is no death, but living memory. Rest in peace, my brother, for there will come a day in which the men of that time will be worthy of heroes such as you. Six hundred and sixty-six thousand honours are less than what you deserve. Rest in peace, my brother, for silence comes.
Juan Miguel de Mora Ajusco, Mexico, 24th March, 2003.

The 660.000 "honours" are, I think, an allusion to the very fierce battle in Hill 666 where both of them fought even if not at the same time. Rajel Sperber

Last changed: 05/01/03