Testimonial received from William Katz
Remembering Harry Fisher
Harry Fisher was the best of human
beings, a man whose first thoughts were about others and how his
struggle and sacrifice might help people. I found this out the
first minute I met Harry in 1986 in Spain. Marc Crawford
introduced me to Harry as he sat at a table in Madrid in
vigorous discussion with Steve Nelson. Harry was talking about
his favorite topic, Oliver Law, the Lincoln Brigade commander
whom he served and remembered so vividly and fondly. Harry was
recounting his first-hand recollection as Captain Law's runner
that day of his gallant death on the battlefield at Brunete --
and he was imploring Steve as VALB commander to let him jump
into the fight for his Law's reputation. Almost every time I
spoke with Harry the topic was Captain Law, and Harry's fierce
determination to challenge anyone who dared to perpetuate
When I sat down Harry immediately
engaged me with his detailed recollection of Law's death tragic
battlefield and with stories of the respect his comrades had for
their Black commander. He was fulminating at the effort of
William Herrick, a Lincoln turncoat -- repeated by a columnist
for Village Voice -- which scurrilously characterized Law's
death in what Steve Nelson called "the language of the slave
Harry believed Herrick singled Law out
for attack, because Law as a Black man might be more vulnerable
than others, and Harry gave racist no quarter. Harry had become
a close friend of Marc -- with whom I was collaborating on a
Lincoln Brigade book for young adults that would feature Oliver
Law, so he immediately embraced me. Following that afternoon in
Madrid Harry and I talked often at his home where I met his
lovely wife and collaborator Ruthie, at Brigade gatherings, and
on the phone. Harry's conversations rarely strayed from his
great passion -- his fond recollections of Oliver Law, the
loyalty and warmth he generated among those under his command,
and Harry's readiness to answer any detractor.
Over the last decade and a half I found
Harry to be gentle, warm, passionate and persuasive, a pleasure
to talk with, generous and modest to a fault, always offering
his help. He gave me all the interview time I wanted, lent me a
two rare history volumes from his library -- and not until I
read an obituary of Harry did I find out that he has been
severely wounded in Spain.
When an article I wrote for American
Legacy led to Oliver Law's daughter and granddaughters
contacting Harry and me, he was absolutely delighted, sent them
copies of his book, and seemed to find a rewarding personal
circle had been completed. He wrote about it in the next edition
of The Volunteer.
Harry, proud runner and staunch
defender of Commander Law, completed his final circle at 92 when
he joined the huge Saturday New York march against the war. Then
he finally felt he could leave us for a more peaceful place, and
a rendezvous with his beloved comrade and commander.
William Loren Katz